White Papers

To access our white papers, please click the picture.
A graphic with photos of the LunaGel™ system, and the text: Life in 3D, the next generation of cell culture.
LunaGel™ Photocrosslinkable Extracellular Matrix
A banner showcasing LunaGel™ Ultrapure GelMA Photocrosslinkable Extracellular Matrix (ECM).
LunaGel™ Ultrapure GelMA ECM
A graphic with a picture of the LunaGel™ system. Text reads: LunaGel™ 3D Tissue Culture, A comprehensive comparison to Matrigel®. Enhanced tuneability, reproducibility, and biological relevance for advanced research applications. The Gelomics logo is featured.
LunaGel™ vs Matrigel®

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