In Vivo Models

LunaGel™ 3D cell culture: Revolutionizing in vitro and in vivo research. Control ECM stiffness, study metastasis, and gain predictive insights into cellular responses.

Cell Delivery/Animal Experiments

LunaGel™ products can be used for in vivo implantation allowing the investigation of, for example, the effects of ECM stiffness on EMT and cancer metastasis. Figure 7 demonstrates that delivery of LunaGel™-embedded luciferase-labelled OV-MZ-6 ovarian cancer cells led to primary tumour formation and metastases in mice. Treatment with the drug Paclitaxel (similar to Abraxane) led to decreased tumour burden, and, in particular, reduced incidence of metastases, similar to the in vitro studies shown above.

Application of LunaGel™ as cell delivery vehicle in an intraperitoneal animal model (Loessner, et al, Nature Protocols, 2018)

(a) Luciferase-transduced ovarian cancer cells (OV-MZ-6) were encapsulated in LunaGel™ and bioluminescence indicative of spheroid formation was confirmed at day 14 of in vitro pre-culture.

(b) Bioluminescence imaging confirmed substantial tumour formation 8 weeks following implantation and ex vivo imaging of the peritoneal organs indicated the presence of metastases. Human-derived tumour load was confirmed by positive staining for human-specific nuclear mitotic apparatus protein 1 (NuMA).

(c) 4 weeks following implantation, mice were treated with intraperitoneal paclitaxel injections (10 mg/kg administered twice per week) over 4 weeks, leading to decreased tumour load and metastases.

Our Technologies In Action

Boost your studies with the advanced capabilities of 3D tissue culture.

Create 3D Cell Culture models with tuneable stiffness.

Study drug responses with exceptional predictive value.

Create vascular structures to study angiogenesis with LunaGel™ ECM.

Advanced hydrogel inks for 3D biogabrication with LunaGel™.

Tissue Engineering with LunaGel™ 3D tissue culture system.

LunaGel™ 3D Cell Cuture: Control cellular microenvironments in vivo.

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